At Northmead we pride ourselves in being smart, well presented and ready for learning. It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school organised events outside normal school hours.
We ask children to wear their polo shirts tucked into their skirts, shorts or trousers and to take a pride in their personal appearance. Some items of uniform can be bought from our school uniform supplier, whilst others are easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets.
The Department of Education has issued guidelines to schools to ensure uniform costs are reasonable, and parents get the best value for their money. We have reviewed our Uniform policy, and reduced the compulsory branded items, so many items can now be purchased at various retailers, including supermarkets. Our uniform supplier will provide good quality branded items; however, the only compulsory branded item is the Northmead Logo Sweatshirt or Cardigan.
We have recently tendered for a new uniform supplier, and we are excited to announce that our new uniform supplier is Stevensons.
Red logo or plain polo shirt,
Red Northmead School logo sweatshirt or Red Northmead School logo cardigan,
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers,
Plain white socks, dark grey or red tights,
Suitable black shoes.
Red checked summer dress,
Red logo or plain polo shirt,
Red Northmead School logo sweatshirt or Red Northmead School logo cardigan,
Grey skirt or grey trousers,
Grey shorts or red P.E shorts,
Suitable black shoes.
P.E Winter:
Indoor PE kit:
White logo or plain white T-Shirt,
Red PE shorts, White sports socks, Black Plimsolls or trainers.
Outdoor PE kit:
White logo or plain white T-Shirt, Red Northmead School logo sweatshirt, Dark coloured tracksuit bottoms (ideally black/grey), White sports socks, Trainers.
Jewellery, make-up, nail varnish and nail acrylics should not be worn. For many reasons, including safety, we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears. Children are required to remove any items during P.E. lessons to prevent them from causing injury. Please note: Teachers are not permitted to remove earrings.
Hair Accessories
Hair bands, ribbons/bows or ‘scrunchies’ should be plain and either red or grey to match our uniform. Hair bands should not have large flowers or other decoration attached. The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum and children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed.
Lost Property
All uniform must be named. Children can become upset as a result of lost clothing; please help us by naming everything. Named lost property will be returned to your child. Unclaimed unnamed uniform will be donated to the NST at the end of each term.
Second Hand Uniform
The Northmead Supporters Team will accept good condition clean items of Northmead logo uniform and sports kit. Please kindly bring all donations to the second-hand uniform red bin in the Outdoor Classroom.
We are unable to sell generic items that are easily available on the high street such grey trousers or jumpers and cardigans with no logo.
You can order your Second-hand uniform via the dedicated Facebook page, link below:
If you do not have Facebook, you can email the NST directly at northmead.nst@gmail.com
A low-cost payment for uniform can be made through the Parentmail App under payments and your order will be delivered to your child’s peg to bring home.
Stevensons Uniform Supplier
"Stevensons offers a bespoke uniform design service to each of our schools, developing and sourcing quality garments to their exact specifications. Working closely with manufacturers and mills, we can provide a comprehensive range of garments sourcing them from UK manufacturers wherever possible."
You can order and pay for your school uniform using the online shop https://www.stevensons.co.uk/
There are no minimum order quantities, and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address with an additional cost for delivery or free using click and collect. All orders are normally delivered within 5 days throughout the year.You can also try on and purchase uniform in store at;
Stevensons, 210 London Road, Burpham, Guildford, GU4 7JS. Telephone (01483) 577835