Times Table Rockstars
Use Times Table Rockstars to improve your speed and accuracy of recalling times table facts!
As well as being set homework, on Times Tables Rockstars you can play for fun!
Choose one of the following games:
Single Player
Garage - best for getting quicker at a few facts.
Studio - the questions in the Studio can be anything from 1×1 up to 12×12. This is where you can improve your Rock Status!
Jamming – set your own tables to practise
Soundcheck – Year 4 can practise for their MTC (multiplication tables check) here
Rock Arena - Compete against other members of your band (Maths class).
Rock Festival - Compete against other TT Rockstars from across the world!
Rockslam – Set others a challenge! Including your teachers !
Your teacher will give you your own login and password.
Get playing today!