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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

PUpils Area

School Council

Little Voices Make Big Ideas

School Council Members 2021 - 2022

COIN Centre Sam R
3R Jessica C
3N Judah E
3B Eva L
4P Ben A
4R Dexter F
4W Amelie L
5C Willow W
5M Caleb E
5R Eivi C
6LP Lily P
6MD Henry T
6K Elma S

Suggestion Box

If you think of an idea or have a thought or suggestion of how to make our school a better place to learn, then please jot it on a piece of paper and place it in the box. If you spot a problem that needs fixing in school do the same. If you have a concern that you think the school council can help you with, we are here to listen and help.

Your school rep will check the box often and bring any ideas/problems to Mrs Diot at our meetings where they will be discussed and action if possible. If we are unable to action your suggestion we will let you know why.

Your school council representatives are 'your voice' so remember to let them know via the box or in person as they are always ready to listen. 

Take a look at the suggestions we, the School Council  have actioned so far ... we feel this really does prove 'Little voices Do have big ideas!'

  • New interactive playground markings
  • Championing Well Being daily activities
  • A dodgeball club after school for lower school and upper school
  • Packed lunches in earlier to the dinning hall
  • A lunchtime art club for lower and upper school
  • Lego for wet playtimes
  • Benches and tables have been ordered for the outside classroom so children can draw and play table games at playtime
  • Our school moto to be displayed around the school
  • Mirrors in the year 5/6 toilets
  • Pegs and toilet doors mended for year 5
  • A mufti day
  • An ice cream sale to raise money
  • A school disco in the summer term
  • More playtime equipment
  • New playground boxes
  • Playground monitors

Our School Council in the Community

During the year of 2019 - 2020 on two different occasions the school council representatives were invited to Queen Elizabeth care home to share their writing with the residents.

As we arrived we were warmly greeted by the staff at Queen Elizabeth. We were led to the television room where all the children confidently introduced themselves to the residents. The residents were so pleased to see our children and welcomed them with smiles.

In the December the school council representatives who were also part of the Northmead Young Voices choir visited the care home again. During their visit the children sang a beautiful set of Christmas songs and carols. The residents had a wonderful time singing along.

Our children did our school and themselves so proud. They read pieces of writing they had written or chosen, with confidence and enthusiasm. The children also enjoyed asking and answering questions as they chatted with the residents. Our children showed such warmth, kindness and maturity during our visit.

New Playground Equipment - May 2021

The school council have been busy yet again! This time they have been responsible for researching, consulting with their peers, voting and presenting the schools favourite designs for the playground. They have had the chance to browse the internet and then ask their classmates what they would like to have out on the playground, through class surveys. All this information was collated and turned into the new interactive playground. As their moto says,

‘ Little Voices Make Big Ideas’, and so they do! Well done everyone!

School Council Update:

The ‘children’s voices’ have been heard once again….this time in the school kitchens.

Last term the School Council were asked to discuss with their classes about school dinners and what changes they would like to see. The children all participated with great enthusiasm and came up with some great suggestions. They also had the chance to give feedback too.

The school council collected all the suggestions from their classes and the ideas were presented to Mrs Brown and the Catering Team. Within days, changes were made! The Catering Team loved all the suggestions and started to plan how they could get as many new choices onto the menu as well as making some suggested changes.

Well done All!

Try more, learn more, achieve more!

  • Grace 8 years ago
    The school, school council, sports captins, teachers, teaching assistants, office ladies, cafatiria staff, Mrs Brown, Miss Lewis and everything else is amazingly brilliant I love northmead junior school and being a member of it.
  • Adam 2 years ago
    Northmead is an amazing school. The Year 6 teachers and all the teachers and staff are amazing. I love being a member of this school
  • Leanna 7 months ago
    Northmead is such an amazing school for people to be at

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