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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School


Children requiring extra support on the Special Needs Register have their needs met by teachers and Teaching Assistants led by the Special Needs Co-ordinator.

In addition to this, we have a Communication and Interaction Centre which has fifteen places. Pupils are admitted through Special Needs panel meetings. The Centre is staffed by a specialist teacher, a higher level teaching assistant and two special needs assistants. Speech and Language Therapy is provided by a Speech and Language Therapist and a Speech and language Therapy assistant. 

School garden
School Garden

Special Educational Needs

Northmead School is committed to providing the best possible environment for learning for each child to ensure the best possible outcomes. Northmead has a strong SEN department that is well resourced, friendly and welcoming. 

Part of the SEN provision at Northmead is a 15 place Communication and Interaction Centre for children with a Speech Language or Communication difficulty. Children who have a place in the centre have full access to the mainstream curriculum and are fully integrated into the life of the school. They attend the Centre for specialist teaching in maths and literacy, speech and language therapy and a range of specialist support groups.Often children in the mainstream benefit from the provision in the Centre too by attending listening skills groups, social skills groups and language skills groups.

If you have a child who has a special need at Northmead you can expect:

  • advice from the teacher or SENDCO and sometimes from an outside agency eg Educational Psychologist or an advisory teacher for learning or behaviour or physical and sensory difficulties or health.
  • your child to be given a provision map with targets that are regularly reviewed
  • us to give you a Provision Map which outlines the additional provision they receive in school 

The above is achieved by placing your child on the Special Educational Needs register and regularly assessing progress and need - which will be discussed with the parent or carer. 

After identification of a special educational need, we would like you to

  • keep in touch with us and give us any new reports or information that is likely to affect your child
  • support your child in achieving the targets written in the Provision Map, or any other work that you are asked to do at home with your child
  • keep any appointments that have been set up with outside agencies

Northmead endeavours to work closely with parents and carers, recognising that this is the best way to improve outcomes for children. 

If you are worried about your child, you can go to the Head Teacher or the SENDCO, Mrs Aimee Fairhurst. You will be advised as to the best course of action and supported with the process. Just ring the school office and book an appointment. 

Northmead has its own Home School Link Worker who works with both parents and children. She offers advice and strategies to help with parenting and refers to other organisations if appropriate. In school the HSWL works with individuals and groups of children developing confidence and self esteem through various groups and activities.

Graduated Approach chart

SEND SURREY Learners' Single Point of Access (L-SPA)

Try more, learn more, achieve more!