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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Google Classroom - Homework

At Northmead, our main remote learning package is Google Classroom. 

Google Classroom can be accessed via a number of different devices:

Lap tops and PCs

Open a web browser and go to

iPads and iPhones

Download Google Classroom from the App Store
Android phones and tablets

Download Google Classroom from the Play Store

Each class has a Google Classroom.  This is where all teaching resources, pupil activity and feedback will be stored.

Please note only the children's Northmead accounts have access to the School's online Google Classroom resources.

Please contact your child's class teacher if you experience any access difficulties.  

This platform is currently being used to set some homework activities. 

In cases of individual children needing to self-isolate, teachers will upload learning activities to Google Classroom which they can access.  These resources will mirror the teaching taking place in your child's class. 

If we find ourselves in the position where we are forced to close entire classes, year groups or the whole school; teachers will provide daily activities on Google classroom.  Work will be set every day for Reading, Writing, Maths plus one foundation subject.  Interaction could include, live Google Meets between the teacher and the whole class, pre-recorded video presentations and written assignments to complete. 

Children are required to upload their assignments and teachers will then provide individual feedback to them.