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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Pastoral care and well being

Wheel of choicesThe class teacher is responsible for the children's welfare on a day to day basis. Other members of the school team, including Teaching Assistants, Office staff, the Behaviour Support Assistant and a Home School Link Worker have regular contact with children and share in the task of maintaining a happy, safe and secure environment.

Senior members of staff are kept fully informed of all matters concerning the children's welfare and progress and are happy to speak to parents at any time.

Children are encouraged to make the right choices and to treat each other with respect. This is promoted through use of Kelso's Choice Behaviour Programme.

Behaviour difficulties are dealt with in the first instance by the class teacher or year group leader. Following this, it may be necessary to involve the Deputy Headteacher or Executive Headteacher as appropriate.

Parents are invited to discuss more serious problems. If all measures fail to bring about an acceptable standard of behaviour, a child may be excluded as a final sanction.


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