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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

PUpils Area


In Year 5, we set homework which reinforces what has been taught in class. Homework is an opportunity for pupils to further practise or apply skills they have learnt and discuss their learning with adults at home. We appreciate the time you take to support your child with their homework. A plastic folder is recommended for storing homework so that books and sheets stay protected and neat.


Anglo Saxon Huts


Anglo Saxon Project Display

Viking Ships

Viking Ship Projects School DisplayViking ship homework project

Viking ship homework project

Viking ship homework projectViking ship homework project



Read three times a week to an adult for approximately 15 minutes each time. This should include some discussion and questioning time. The adult must sign the reading record. Reading records to be handed in every Monday.

Written English Task

Homework will be set each Friday, to be handed in on Monday. Written work should be completed in blue handwriting pen (no biros). Spellings to be learnt are on a printed practice sheet.


Maths homework will be set on a Tuesday and must be handed in on Thursday. Work should be completed in pencil, using a ruler where necessary. Times tables must be learnt for quick recall. (Pupils should know all tables up to 12x12)


This homework could be an aspect of history, geography or science which will further develop their understanding of the subject.  Work should be written neatly in blue pen with any illustrations in pencil / pencil crayon. 

Topic homework will be set on Friday and will have  varied length depending on the task set. If this is a half term project there will be a check in with progress half way through to ensure the children know what they are doing and can show that they have already started their project.


Please check your child's homework to ensure it is completed to a good standard.


Catch-up Club

Catch-up Club is provided daily, during the lunch hour, for children who have not handed in work or not completed their work to the required standards.


Try more, learn more, achieve more!

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