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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Extra-Curricular Activities

All children are welcome to join a club at Northmead. Some of these clubs take place during lunchtime and some are after school. Our own staff give their time happily to run free clubs. We do employ some outside agencies to run additional clubs such as sports coaches and musicians and these require a small fee to join.

Children playing sport

Over the last two years we have run clubs such as cricket, touch rugby, netball, football, dodgeball, athletics, study club, reading, writing, chess, singing, gardening, coding and many more.

The club list changes each term. 

After school clubs will start after the first couple of weeks in the autumn term. After school clubs usually finish at 4:15pm. Full details will appear in the newsletters at the start of term.

If your child would like to join a club please complete the permission form sent to parents via parentmail. We would like to know if you give permission for your child to walk home on their own or if they will be collected from the club. Please contact the school office if there is any change to these arrangements.

Children registering to join a club must be committed to attend the club every week. Please discuss with your child the different clubs that are available for them and emphasise to your child the commitment involved in joining a club. If your child is unable to attend a club for any reason we would like you to send a letter to the teacher running the club to explain your child's absence. We would also like you to contact the club teacher if your child should decide that they no longer want to attend the club.

Children playing sport on school playground


Planet Soccer Multi Sports Club

TKD Kids Martial Arts Club

Karate Martial Arts Club

Prologue Drama Club



Try more, learn more, achieve more!