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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

PUpils Area

Eco Schools

Children with Eco School bannerNorthmead Junior School is working towards The Eco Schools Green Flag Award.  The programme guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life. 

Our Eco Team: Manan, Arlo, Elodie, Bay, Izzy, Fraser, Connie, Ava, Jake, Alex, Lily, Henry, Mrs Diot, Miss Ramsay, Miss Lesanne, Miss Lewis, Mrs Backhurst, Mr Horton and Tom Lewis. We are always looking for keen parents and volunteers so if you have any time or are an expert, please email as we would love to hear from you!  

Our Eco Team Blog: 

As an Eco Team we have met three times and started working on the award. The first task was to complete an audit of our school which included us surveying children, staff and some other very important people. After our survey, we talked about which three areas to work on and Miss Lesanne helped us to decide that 'Energy' would be an important focus for this year. We listen to her explain why and are looking forward to improving the amount of energy our school uses. The next area we decided to focus on is 'Transport' as we decided that based on our class surveys, there is too many children not using Eco-friendly health ways to get to school, and we want to encourage health for us and the environment. We will share more about this target later in the year. The final area to focus on is going to be 'Marine'. This is because we found our score was low in this area, and we are inspired to make a difference after hearing about Miss Luxton's plans to save some turtles during the summer. We look forward to her sharing her expert knowledge and setting our school some individual targets based on the latest research! Fraser has decided he is going to write to David Attenborough to ask for his advice, and we can't wait to hear the response. Watch this space! 

Written by Year 3 Eco Team members- 01.11.22

Eco Team assembley

Gardening Club

Mrs Polden runs a very popular gardening club for children across all year groups. The school garden is thriving! Members of the club have actively contributed to building their own raised beds where we are growing flowers, fruits and vegetables. 


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