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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School


We discourage family holidays or days out in term time. The Governors feel that such absences disrupt the continuity of a pupil's education.

We’re pleased to announce that Northmead is introducing a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness, called Studybugs.

If you haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and unable to attend school.

Get the app or register now

Top 3 reasons to use Studybugs

1. It helps us know sooner if your child is unaccounted for.

2. It’s quick and easy to register and use and automatically reminds you to keep us posted.

3. You’ll be helping the NHS and other public health organisations improve children’s health

Please leave a message each day your child is absent from school. If we do not receive a message explaining your child's absence from school, their attendance will be marked as unauthorised.

Unauthorised absence

There is new legislation regarding absence from school during term time. As from 1st September 2013, we will not be able to authorise any holidays at all. This is Surrey County Council policy. If you choose to take your child out of school for a holiday, they will be marked on the register as an unauthorised absence. We will still authorise exceptional leave days, for example, weddings or funerals. Our attendance is monitored closely by the educational welfare officer and unauthorised absence can trigger a fine.

Please find below details of our school Attendance Policy. If you require a free paper copy of this policy, please contact our school office (01483 529870).

Attendance and Punctuality Newsletter

Stoughton Infants and Northmead Junior Schools have worked together to undertake a review of our attendance and punctuality policies and procedures.

We wish to be clear and transparent with you about our policies and procedures, so we can work together, striving for the best attendance and subsequently outcomes for all children.

Whilst we are promoting excellent attendance and punctuality, we do recognise that children get ill, families have challenging times, and we also recognise that on rare occasions you can have something that prevents you being in school on time. Please don't think that we've lost any of our compassion for these circumstances because we haven't.

Reporting illness

School safeguarding

Reporting planned absence

School monitoring attendance

Attendance chart

School lateness

Punctuality chart

Registration times

Thank you


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