School Dinners
The cost of meals is increasing in September 2015 to £2.15 per day. A weeks dinner card will cost £10.75 and a four week dinner card £43.00. We require payment, in advance, either by cash or by cheque (please make cheques payable to Northmead Junior School).
At Northmead we are fortunate to have our own kitchen, providing freshly cooked, high quality meals each day. There is a choice of a meat meal, a vegetarian meal or a salad. School meal menus are available from the school office.
The cost of meals is increasing in September 2015 to £2.15 per day. A weeks dinner card will cost £10.75 and a four week dinner card £43.00. We require payment, in advance, either by cash or by cheque (please make cheques payable to Northmead Junior School).