As the weather is forecast to turn colder please can you remind children to come to school with a suitable coat as we encourage children to play outside at break and lunch times whenever possible.
It is always a good idea to be prepared, these are the steps we will take if we are forced to close the school due to snow. We will try to keep the school open in the event of snow, however, there are occasions when we have to close due to surrounding access roads to the school being dangerous or supervision problems caused by insufficient numbers of staff being able to reach the school.
If we do need to close the school we will take the following steps to notify parents as early as possible.
A message will be put on this web page.
A text message will be sent to all parents that have registered for parent mail.
The Eagle radio will be contacted and they will make announcements on their show and put a note on their web site
As the weather is forecast to turn colder please can you remind children to come to school with a suitable coat as we encourage children to play outside at break and lunch times whenever possible.