Parent Mail
Our system for sending e-mails and text messages to parents - is now up and running.
Our system for sending e-mails and text messages to parents - is now up and running. Each of you who has registered should have received an automatically generated e-mail from ParentMail that confirms your account has been set up and asking you to set up your own password to allow you to log on in the future. Because of the security of the system (it is similar to that operated by banks) if you lose your internet connection, or have a period of inactivity, whilst going through this process the system will disconnect you. If this happens you won’t be able to log back in as the details sent have a “Use once only” restriction applied. In this case please e-mail the school ( or telephone 01483 529870 or call in at reception and we will arrange for a new e-mail to be sent. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any help or more information. Could I also remind you, please, to keep us informed of any changes to your contact details.