Consulting on Proposed Admission Arrangements for 2025/2026

Northmead Junior School is formally consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for 2025/2026. Please find attached the proposed Admission Policy.
The changes being proposed are:
- Addition of a staff priority (criterion 4 on new policy) including a supplementary form
- Removal of criterion 5 (old policy) for children living in the Stoughton Ward. This will be replaced with a new criterion 5 - Any other children, prioritised according to the distance they live from the school. All distances will be measured in a straight line from the home address to the school gate, using an ordnance survey tool.
The consultation period will run for six weeks from Wednesday 18th October 2023 to 29th November 2023. Anyone wishing to submit their views should email the school to, marking their email subject as Admission Consultation. Alternatively, responses can be made in writing and posted to the school address - Northmead Junior School, Grange Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9ZA.
Full details of the consultation are published on our website HERE. After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to the Full Governing Body of the school for decision and ratification.