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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Welcome from the NST - AGM Meeting

We will be holding our AGM on12th September in the school dining hall at 7.30pm and ALL are welcome.  We really value the input from everyone, so please come along - we guarantee wine, snacks, and it definitely won't be boring! The invitation and agenda for the meeting is attached.

Welcome back to Northmead, and an especially warm welcome to all of our Year 3 families who have now joined us! We hope you all had a fantastic summer break and your children have settled in well (despite a very hot first few days of term - where was that a few weeks ago?!)

The NST committee is ready to hit the ground running. As a reminder, the Committee for this year is:

Chair: Cat Morton

Treasurer: Lisa Dixon

Secretary: Kathryn Shepherd

Staff Trustee: Denise Lewis

Committee Member: Rebecca Lock

As you will be aware, we introduced class reps last year, and they proved to be a great benefit to all. We have already been sharing some information with you via the WhatsApp groups.  If you have not yet done so and wish to join your Class WhatsApp group, please see your parent mail message for more details.

A big THANK YOU to all of our Class Reps for volunteering.

Please find attached a list of NST events for this coming school year.  Please note that some of the details may be subject to change.

We will be holding our AGM on12th September in the school dining hall at 7.30pm and ALL are welcome.  We really value the input from everyone, so please come along - we guarantee wine, snacks, and it definitely won't be boring! The invitation and agenda for the meeting is attached.

That’s all for now, but we very much look forward to providing the children with lots of wonderful opportunities and memories this year!  As always, thank you for your support.

Northmead Supporters Team