Sports Day

Sports Morning and Afternoons - Week Commencing 10th July 2023
Sports Morning
We would like to invite you to join our Sports Morning on Thursday 13th July. The whole school will be participating in different traditional sports activities throughout the morning. All children will rotate around a variety of activities. The events will start at roughly 9:15am and we aim to finish at 11:30am. The morning will take place on the main playground. Please note, there will be no parking on the school premises.
Please send your child to school wearing their P.E. kit and a t-shirt in their house colour on both their sports afternoon and the sports morning (Mars = Red, Saturn = Green, Neptune = Blue and Jupiter = Yellow) Your child will know what house they are in.
Due to safeguarding, we ask that no photos are taken of any children during either of the events. The school will take some photos of children with permission and share these with you.
Sports Afternoons
In addition to our Sports Morning, we would also like to invite you to our competitive sports afternoon on the field. The running and throwing events will aim to start at 1:30pm and finish no later than 3:00pm. Each year group will be completing their afternoon on different days. This may mean that they are having their sports afternoon on a different day to their P.E. day. If so, please make sure they come into school in their P.E. shorts and house coloured shirt on their sports afternoon day instead. During the afternoon, children have chosen a couple of events to compete in and may not be completing all afternoon.
Please note, there will be no parking on the school premises. There will be a clearly demarcated spectator area for you to enjoy all races.
At the end of Sports Afternoon, the childre will be walked back to school by their class teacher. You will not be allowed to take children from the field. They will be dismissed at the end of the school day as normal.
The following table shows when your child will need to wear their sports day kit - P.E. shorts, coloured house t-shirt, trainers and a hat. Please make sure your child is wearing sun cream and has a named water bottle.
Year 3 - PM Tuesday 11th July and AM Thursday 13th July
Year 4 - PM Wednesday 12th July and AM Thursday 13th July
Year 5 - PM Monday 10th July and AM Thursday 13th July
Year 6 - All Day Thursday 13th July
We look forward to seeing you all there to cheer on the children!