Newsletter Issue 4

With Autumn now fully upon us, and the constant changing weather please do make sure that children have a coat (clearly named) with them in school each day. We make the most of the outdoors right through the colder months, and it is important for the children to stay warm and dry.
During half term the classrooms redecorations were completed. They are all looking really smart and the children and teachers are very pleased. This only leaves the Oasis room, the Professional working room and the offices to be painted. We are aiming for these to be done in December. The All Weather Pitch was professionally cleaned by high pressure washing. This has successfully removed the slippery surface and even during the recent intense rain it has been draining properly.
Enrichment & activities in school last week: Year 6 visited the British Museum to enhance their study of the Ancient Greeks. Some of Year 6 boys took part in a local schools football tournament.
The NST bonfire event on Thursday 3rd November was very successful. The attendance from the school and local community met our full capacity for the event raising money for school. Thank you NST!