Newsletter Issue 1

A warm welcome back to the start of this new academic year. We have been very pleased to see the children return in their smart school uniforms, happy, relaxed and ready to start their learning.
We have been excited to welcome our new year 3 children and their families to our school community, as well as several children starting with us in years 4,5 and 6. They are already demonstrating our values of `ready, respectful and safe`
All the children have settled quickly and happily into their new classes and new routines. Their attitude and behaviour has been excellent.
The school gate opens at 8.30am and registration is promptly at 8.45am. This allows everyone to arrive at school at a pace that suits them and ensures a positive, calm start to the day as no-one has to walk into class once lessons have started. It is pleasing to note the vast majority of children are in class in good time.
What a start we have had to this school year. On the first day back, we had issues with the equipment in the school kitchen, which we are still working hard to resolve even now. On Friday 9th September we came together as a school community for a special assembly to honour the Queen to celebrate her life of devotion and service to our country.
Then on Monday 12th September we received the phone call from Ofsted telling us of our two-day inspection. We were pleased with how the two days went and parents will receive a letter from Ofsted giving more details by October half-term.