NST proudly presents an evening of live comedy

As previously advertised, we will be holding a Comedy Night at the Electric Theatre on Thur 10 Feb. We could all do with a laugh right!!
There are currently 100 tickets available to purchase via Parentmail. There is no transaction limit, so please do invite friends and family (must be 18!). If sales go well, we will increase numbers to 180 and move into the main auditorium, so please get in touch if you have any issues buying them.
For those of you that have never been to The Electric Theatre, there is a fully licensed bar. Doors will open at 1900 for drinks, and the evening will begin at 2000.
Attached is further detail on who will be performing.
Please note that we will not be able to offer refunds on tickets if you can no longer attend. As I’m sure you will understand, we have had to pay for the comedians and venue, so need to ensure we cover costs. We will however be issuing wristbands w/c 7 Feb, so you can sell them on.
We look forward to seeing you there and really appreciate your support.