Newsletter - Issue 4

Parent consultation evenings These will be held virtually on Wednesday 17th November and Thursday 18th November. Mr Kemp will be holding his second evening on Tuesday 16th November due to taking a team of girls to a football match. Details have been sent out via Parentmail.
School Production We have reflected on the logistics of running a whole school production and have decided in the light of rising covid cases it is sadly not sensible to plan this for December. We are thinking of planning a whole school production in the summer term outside if possible. We would like to organise a simpler Christmas celebration involving whole school carols, a year 3 Nativity tableau and some short linking scenes by year 6 children. This event may be held at Emmanuel Church, and we have provisionally booked the morning of Friday 17th December 2021. We are at present uncertain if parents will be able to be present. The aim is to live stream the event for all to be able to participate in some way. We will keep you updated if plans need to be changed.
Inset Day - Friday 10th December 2021 The Inset day planned for 10th December will still be taking place and will be used for staff training in computing.