Mental Health Awareness Week

At Northmead, we are currently working to achieve a school improvement award focusing on wellbeing. In order to evaluate our current provision, we need your input. Your views are important in helping us understand what we are doing well and how we can do even better.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey. There is one survey for any adults in your household and one for any children attending Northmead. The link can be followed and different replies saved for multiple people in your household. You are welcome to help your child complete the survey based on their views. It should only take a couple of minutes. We would appreciate it if you could respond by the 18th May. Any replies after this date will not be saved.
All responses and suggestions will be carefully considered and used to plan a range of school improvements. If you have any queries about this survey, please contact
Thank you!
Parent Link: Click here
Pupil Link: Click here
This week is Mental Health Awareness week, we are strengthening our understanding of the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing and focusing on nature as a theme. Please take a look at the wellbeing section of our website to find out more about how this supports your child. Activities that will take place this week include; yoga, nature art, environment health, wellbeing author talk and planting. As part of the week, we are hoping to work towards the Blue Peter ‘green’ badge. For your child to be entered into this, please help them to complete the form sent home this week. They need to complete three pledges and do these daily for 14 days. We will complete the other elements in school. For more information please visit: Blue Peter Green Badge. These pledge sheets are due back in school 21st May to your child’s class teacher.
If you have any questions about this, please email
Many thanks
The Wellbeing Team