Free abm school dinner for every child in Northmead.
We are very pleased to share with you a very exiting offer we are able to bring to you along with our catering company abm. To thank the children who regularly already have a school meal and to invite and introduce children who have a packed lunch to abms new seasonal menu ABM would like to offer every child in Northmead a free school meal!
We will be offering this free meal to children on a rota, with each year group having their free meal on one of four consecutive Wednesdays – Roast day! A vegetarian option will also be available.
Year Three - Wednesday 18th November – Roast chicken, roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and gravy or Vegetarian cowboy pie with Iced lemon sponge for dessert. All of year three children to have a free school meal.
Year Four - Wednesday 25th November – Roast gammon, roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and gravy or Roasted Vegetable frittata with Shortbread for dessert. All of year four children to have a free school meal.
Year Five - Wednesday 2nd December – Roast turkey, roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and gravy or Cheese & baked bean puff with Chocolate Brownie for dessert. All of year five children to have a free school meal.
Year Six - Wednesday 9th December – Roast chicken, roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and gravy or Vegetarian cowboy pie with Iced lemon sponge for dessert. All of year six children to have a free school meal.
As the season is changing to colder weather we hope that parents will take this opportunity to encourage their children to take up this offer of a hot school meal.
If you don’t wish your child to have the meal please can you advise us so that we can make sure we order in and cater for the right amount.