COVID Symptom guidance and actions
Following guidance we have been given, I thought it would be helpful as we head in to the cough and cold season to make it really clear with you what actions we will take if your child arrives at school having developed any of the COVID symptoms at home or they develop a COVID symptom whilst at school.
We will always insist that a child with a cough, temperature, or loss or change in sense or taste and smell is kept away from school, gets a test and follows the guidance included in this letter.
We recognise that most of the time a test will come back negative and your child can quickly return to school when they feel well enough. We also recognise that this maybe a source of frustration, as you have commitments during the school day that will be interrupted whilst awaiting test results or completing a self-isolation period. But, if we don’t rigorously follow this and allow children to be in school with symptoms, we risk closing class bubbles and possibly year group bubbles which will have a much greater impact on our lives and the welfare of the community. Attached is the detailed guidance that our school will be following.
Kind regards,
Debbie Brown