Update - Thursday 19th March

Further to the parent mail sent this morning we now need to establish the number of children who will need to come to school after Friday’s closure.
We will be welcoming onto site children who are classed as vulnerable. We have accurate lists already of these children and will get in touch with parents and carers to invite their children to remain at school and will seek confirmation that they will be coming in.
As at 6:00pm there has been no announcement of the list of key workers. We were expecting to have this today and will refer to this when decisions are made tomorrow.
Please complete the important survey that we will be sending to parent via parentmail. We need you to let us know if you are a key worker.
It is our collective social responsibility to ensure this service is protected for those who need it. Those families with two parents should only use it if both parents are key workers. We may be asking for proof of current employment in these fields.
Kind Regards
Debbie Brown
Head Teacher