NEW Attendance Regulations
New Regulations (with effect from 19 August 2024) regarding attendance, including changes to Penalty Notices
New Regulations (with effect from 19 August 2024) regarding attendance, including changes to Penalty Notices
Stoughton Breakfast Club * Starts September 2024 *
Our NEW breakfast club, run by our fantastic Stoughton School staff, will open for the autumn term. The club is for Stoughton and Northmead students in Reception to Year 6, Monday - Friday from 7:30am. To book, please first complete a registration form here, or email us:
The Child and Family Health Surrey Immunisation Team is visiting Northmead on Friday 4th October 2024 to deliver Influenza (flu) vaccinations via nasal spray.
We have been informed by our school catering team - Cleverchefs - that their price for a meal is increasing to £2.70 from September. As you know, food costs continue to rise and this has led to the price change.
Choosing a junior school for your child is an important decision.
As we reach the end of this academic year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what has been a significant year of change and growth for our schools. This has been our first year working under the new leadership model, and I am proud to say that Stoughton Infants and Northmead Junior Schools have begun to work closely together for the benefit of the children of the Stoughton community and I am excited about the future as we continue to strengthen our collaboration, and this includes our Local Governing Bodies working as one.
Thanks to those of you who supported our Scholastic Book Fair. Parents spent a whopping £885 which gave us £442 in rewards which we are able to spend on books for classrooms and the library.
From the 23rd- 29th April we will be hosting a Scholastic Travelling Book Fair. The commission from sales at the fair allows us to purchase new books for the library and class reading lessons, so every book you buy helps us.
As the spring term comes to an end, it is surprising to note how quickly the chill of winter has passed to the warmth of spring... the only challenge has been the never ending rain in between!
After Easter, for the duration of the Summer Term, we will be changing the arrangements for PE.
Each class will be allocated one full afternoon to enjoy games and athletics on the school field-weather permitting.
Mufti Day - Children may come to school in Mufti on Friday 15th March, Red Nose Day, in exchange for a minimum donation of £1 for this good cause. Donations should be in cash and handed in at morning registration.
Early Booking Discount. Use code: SUMMER5 at checkout. OFFER ENDS 18/03/2024