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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

CleverChefs Menu Week Two

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place between 12:00pm and 1:15pm on 30/09/2024 until 04/10/2024

We have been informed by our school catering team - Cleverchefs - that their price for a meal is increasing to £2.70 from September. As you know, food costs continue to rise and this has led to the price change.

You can find the new menus on the Healthy Lunches page of the school website. 

If you feel you may be entitled to Free School Meals/Pupil Premium, please fill out the attached form and return it to the school office.

Reminder to ALL parents, that school meals need to be booked online, before 9am each morning, using your child's ipayimpact account. ALL parents will need to order meals for their child, including those in receipt of Free School Meals, and those bringing a packed lunch from home. You will have been given your child's pass code for this at the beginning of term.

Parents are also reminded that if your child is absent from school, YOU must cancel any meals booked for that day before 9am. After this time, the kitchen will start preparing meals booked for the day and all meals booked for the day will be charged.

If you are having issues ordering your child's meals, please contact us in the school office and we will be able to help you.


To support our children and staff with various nut allergies, we are a nut-free school. It is vitally important that we remain vigilant about this and reduce, as far as possible, the chances of children who have nut allergies coming into contact with any form of nuts. We must insist that children's packed lunches do not include any products containing nuts. This is also a good opportunity to remind everyone that morning snacks must only be fruit or vegetables.