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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Year Six Key Stage 2 SATs

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place on 13/05/2024 until 16/05/2024

If your child is in year six, you will know that they sit statutory tests in May. 

During SATs week, please remember to:

  • Make a note of these dates and make sure your child is not on holiday
  • Make sure your child has a calm and uneventful week outside school
  • Ensure an early bedtime with, perhaps, a quiet activity beforehand
  • Avoid last minute revision
  • Remain calm, positive and reassuring as parents
  • Make sure your child has breakfast
  • Have something special to look forward to at the end of the week.


Monday 13th May 2024 - English Grammar, punctuation and Spelling papers 1 and 2

Tuesday 14th May 2024 - English Reading

Wednesday 15th May 2024 - Mathematics papers 1 and 2

Thursday 16th May 2024 - Mathematics paper 3.