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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Year Four Trip to Haslemere Museum

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place on 10/10/2019

As part of the Ancient Egyptian topic that Year 4 are studying this term, we will be visiting Haslemere Museum on Thursday 10th October 2019. The trip will take place within school hours.

The children should wear school uniform, school shoes and a coat. A packed lunch with a drink (no cans or glass bottles please) should be brought in a suitable bag. A snack may be brought as usual. Please send a plastic bag for your child to sit on to eat lunch. If you wish, your child can bring pocket money of no more than £3 as there are many small Egyptian items they could purchase.

The cost for each child to attend will be £11.00. We would like to remind parents that although the payment is a voluntary contribution, if the costs for the activities are not covered then the trip may have to be cancelled.

Payment to be made online using Parentmail please. This also allows you to give permission on line and there is no need for you to return the form.

However, if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium, then please complete and return the slip below.

In order to complete accurate risk assessments for this trip, permission must be given by either paying online, or returning the slip by 3.15 on Thursday 3rd October 2019. If we do not receive this by this date, your child will not be able to attend the trip.

Thank you for your support.