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Northmead Junior School

Northmead Junior School

Newsletter - Issue 2


The children have settled well into the new topics this term. The Picasso inspired art work completed by the children in the COIN centre has really brightened up our corridor!

COVID Update - We continue to review our risk assessment and approaches in school following local and national guidance. In the light of recent updates from the government please:

  •  Keep a distance of 2m between yourselves and others wherever possible. At drop off and pick up times ,where the pathway into school is narrow and there are more people moving around, please wear a face covering on the school site. Please make the most of the large playground to space out while waiting for your children.
  •  We would appreciate it if parents did not allow their children to play on the bank behind the car park before or after school, as we have been advised this increased noise level is disturbing our neighbours .
  •  As the entrance to the school gate is narrow it would be helpful if parents do not stop to chat at the school gates as this causes difficulties for others entering and leaving the school site.
  •  Staff will wear face masks / visors if face to face meetings with parents are necessary. By us all individually following the same approaches, we can work collectively to minimise the risks and to keep everyone as safe as we possibly can.